We have an updated Technology Acceptable Use Policy that you should read and go over with your student. Parents and students must both sign this document and return it to the school before they can be issued an iPad or use the school network or software services.
Acceptable Use Agreement Form (pdf) – parents and students must sign and agree, then return this form to the school before being issued devices or using our network. Parents and students should also read and follow our recommended Care Guidelines when using school issued iPads. Also, parents and students should be aware of the Fee Schedule that describes the fees for damages, repairs, or replacements.
Technology Use Fee (pdf) - annually we ask for a Technology Use Fee to help cover some of the additional expenses to administer technology for students at school. We regularly pass Technology and Bus Bonds, but that only covers hardware device purchases. Things like software, services, licenses, and administration are not paid for by Tech Bonds and instead must be taken from our limited General Fund.
To receive network privileges and/or use school-owned devices please read below:
The world is adapting to changing methods of communication and engaging, collaborating, learning and sharing in these digital environments is a part of 21st century learning. The use of contemporary tools also brings the necessity to “promote, model and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology.” (ISTE) Students and staff at LPS are privileged to have state-of-the-art technology to facilitate endless learning opportunities.
To maintain this privilege, staff, students and parent(s) must agree to abide by the District Internet Safety Policy and associated guidelines.
Privilege, Trust and Individual Accountability
Responsible use is based on trust and individual accountability for all network users including students and staff. Users are responsible for their own behavior keeping in mind that information produced by LPS students and staff is a reflection on the entire district. Staff and students using in social networking or web publishing for academic purposes must comply with the LPS Social Media and Web Publishing Guidelines.
Instructional and School-Related Use
LPS owned technology, student-owned technology and network and Internet access is for instructional and school-related use. District employees may confiscate any device if is not being used for educational purposes in the classroom. If a student-owned device is confiscated, it shall be handed over to administration with an explanation for the confiscation and may be returned to either the parent or the student.
Protect Our Students
The LPS network is filtered to protect our students to the greatest extent possible and in compliance with the Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA), the Neighborhood Children’s Internet Protection Act (NCIPA), and the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act. We also reserve the right to block sites where online content or activity diminishes the capacity of our network or compromises our academic mission. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the student and parent(s) to ensure complete protection.
Educate Our Students
The National Education Technology Standards for Students identify digital citizenship as critical for students to learn effectively for a lifetime and live productively in our emerging global society. It is the responsibility of all staff at LPS to educate, supervise and monitor network usage and ensure effective use of technology and appropriate online behavior. This includes interacting on social networking websites, chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. The complete curriculum by age can be found on the LPS website here.
Penalties for Improper Use
Students are to report any activity that violates this Internet Safety Policy or is unsafe. Parent(s) or guardians are responsible for monitoring minor students’ use of technology or network resources at home. See the LPS website for useful information or dates for Internet Safety workshops. All technology resources must be used in a manner consistent with appropriate rules and laws governing the individual privacy of students including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).