Students Who Arrive or Depart by Bus
Students Who Arrive or Depart on Foot or Bike:
Students who walk to and from school may enter through the doors on Grand Avenue or Fourth Street.
Walking students should cross with the crossing guards at Pearl Street and Grand Avenue or Pearl Street and Fourth Avenue.
Walking students should not arrive before 8:10 AM and should exit the school building by 3:25 PM.
Please cross only at the designated crosswalks where crossing guards can help you
Students Who Arrive or Depart in Parent’s Car:
Students arriving/departing by parent car will arrive on Fourth Street behind the school. Please do not drop students in the front of the building on Grand Ave. Our walking and bike students use the front entrance, and for safety reasons, cars need to use the back of the building.
PLEASE DO NOT LINE UP ALONG PEARL STREET as this is where LPS school buses park.
Students should arrive between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM. Students should report to the cafeteria for breakfast. Classroom doors open at 8:10 am. We do not provide morning care; therefore, all elementary and middle school students should report to the cafeteria if they arrive before 8:10 AM.
Students may exit parent cars at any point along the sidewalk. Please pull as far forward as possible to help facilitate a quick unloading and loading process.
Pick up for elementary students begins at 3:10 PM. Please do not start lining up in the car line until 3:05 PM. Elementary students are not dismissed from class until 3:10 PM, so it will be a few minutes before they come outside.
Pick up for secondary students begins at 3:16 PM. Parents picking up secondary students (grades 6-12) should not enter the car line before 3:16 PM because parking/waiting in the car line slows the elementary pick up. If you are waiting for students in multiple grade levels, please pull as far forward as possible to wait for students.
All students must be picked up by 3:25 PM as there is no supervision at the school building after this time. Students not participating in an extracurricular activity must leave the school by 3:25 PM even if they intend to return for activities later in the evening.
Do not exit your car. A LPS staff member will escort your student to your car and open the door. Students should not leave the sidewalk to enter a car. Car seats and boosters should be installed on the passenger side to facilitate a quick and safe handoff.
Once your child(ren) is in your car, you may exit the car line. Be cautious as you pass cars still loading.
For everyone's safety, drive slowly and do not talk on your cell phone in the car line
Student Who Drive to School:
Secondary students who drive to school must park in the PAC parking lot or the north end of Grand Avenue.
Students who drive to school are required to submit a parking permit application in order to receive a parking sticker.
These students must exercise caution and drive slowly. Students driving too quickly or recklessly will lose their driving privileges.
Late Arrival or Early Departure:
Students who arrive after 8:25 AM should use the front entrance on Grand Avenue and will require a pass to enter the building.
Students who depart before 3:00 PM must be signed out by a parent in the main office.