a small shoebox-type container, labeled with name, and a change of clothes w/underwear (all clothes labeled please).
a normal size/large backpack for bringing things to and from home
a sturdy pair of shoes for running, playing and PE - can leave these at school!
Pre-sharpened Ticonderoga Pencils
we could use disinfectant wipes, boxes of soft tissues, large zipper plastic bags of all sizes, and rolls of paper towels.
a water bottle labeled with your child’s name.
A labeled sunscreen stick and hat for sunny days
Classroom Donations
Colored pencils
Pre Sharpened Ticonderoga pencils
Glue sticks
Disinfecting wipes
Paper Towels
Zip-Lock bags
Soft Tissues
First and Seconds Grades
Any other “fun” school supplies you want to send with your child to make them excited about school are welcome :)
Extra clothing in a small bin, box or bag labeled with your child’s name.
Shoes for PE
Water bottle, clearly labeled and filled with water each day.
A sunscreen stick of your choice (if your child needs it) labeled with your name or a hat to wear on sunny days for recess.
Class Donations
Black & Color Sharpies
Clorox Clean-Up wipes or surface cleaner
Dry Erase (Expo) Markers both sizes- skinny and regular tip
Snack-sized Ziploc bags
Large Hand Sanitizer
Duct Tape
Ticonderoga Pencils- Preferred brand because they sharpen well and last much longer than any other brand.
Play dough, clay, other tactile play items
Paper Plates & Cups
Paper towel- Triple A batteries
Card Stock- a variety of colors to print game boards/flash cards
Craft supplies- Pipe cleaners, glitter, sequins, stickers etc.
Third and fourth grades
1- 24 pack of crayons
2- 24 packs of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
1 pencil sharpener
2 glue sticks
1 pair of scissors
2 pocket folders- plastic preferred
Crayola markers
Colored pencils
2 black Sharpies
1 ruler
2 essay notebooks: wide-rule
1 soft zipper pouch or small pencil box
1 pair of PE shoes
Water bottle
Classroom Donations
Paper plates
Sanitizing wipes
Paper towels
5th Grade
1-inch binder
½ inch binder
Pencil case with 3 holes that can go in binder
a few pens (two different colors)
4 folders with pockets and 3 holes to go in binder
2 packs of either college or wide-ruled paper
2 sets of binder dividers
pack of Ticonderoga pencils
A pair of shoes for PE
Sanitizing Wipes
Paper Towels
Middle School Supplies
A few different colored pens (Sidenote: erasable pens improved my life forever -Love, Mrs. Vann)
Lots of pencils (mechanical or regular)
Three or more colors of highlighters
Pencil Bag that will go in binder
8 folders that can go in a binder (Plastic folders will last longer than the paper folders.)
Index cards 3x5 (1 pack)
4 Notebooks with perforated edges and 3 holes to put in binder OR loose-leaf college-ruled paper
1 pack of loose-leaf college-ruled paper for ELA
3 binders
16 dividers (7 for largest binder, 5 for middle size binder and 3 for smallest binder)
Paper planner or online planner (Student Choice. Google Calendar may be used on iPad)
A change of clothes for PE
Shoes for PE
OPTIONAL (but often necessary) an extra block and cord to charge your device (The new iPads use USB-C to charge.)
OPTIONAL Stylus for iPad- while not required for student success, a stylus for your student’s iPad will give them additional ways to interact with our technology and express their ideas. There are a number of cost effective options available.
OPTIONAL: Classroom donations of tissue/Kleenex, disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and paper plates/products are always appreciated.
High School Supplies
Notebook for each class
Binder to keep yourself organized
Pens, Pencils, and Colored Pencils
Highlighters (preferably 3 different colors)
Index cards